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 1st International Trumpet Competition - Italy, Tuscany

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Nombre de messages : 9
Age : 57
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

1st International Trumpet Competition - Italy, Tuscany Empty
MessageSujet: 1st International Trumpet Competition - Italy, Tuscany   1st International Trumpet Competition - Italy, Tuscany EmptyVen 20 Juin - 17:13

Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena)
Tuscany – Italy
August 25th-27th

The Castelnuovo Berardenga Municipality (Siena, Tuscany-Italy) and the Province of Siena, with the collaboration of Santa Fiora Municipality (Grosseto, Tuscany-Italy), Province of Grosseto and the “La Settima Musa” Cultural Association are pleased to announce and organize the 1st INTERNATIONAL TRUMPET SOLO COMPETITION. This competition is open to all trumpet players, regardless of age, and is designed to promote and develop musical culture locally as well as nationally and internationally.

ART. 1
The 1st International Trumpet Solo Competition will take place in Castelnuovo Berardenga, Siena (Tuscany-Italy), from August 25th to August 27th, 2008.

ART. 2
The purpose of the 1st International Trumpet Solo Competition is to promote musical culture and to discover and support talented trumpet players, encouraging them to start a soloist career.

ART. 3
The 1st International Trumpet Solo Competition is open to all trumpet players, Italian and abroad.

ART. 4
The 1st International Trumpet Solo Competition is divided in two categories:
- CATEGORY “A” for participants born on or after January 1st, 1988
- CATEGORY “B” for participants born before January 1st, 1988

ART. 5
Memorization of the repertory is encouraged but not required, except for the final round (F. J. Haydn, Concerto in Eb Major) which must be performed from memory.

ART. 6
At the beginning of the rounds, the contestants must give a copy of the pieces they have chosen to perform (sheet music) to the Jury. The Jury has the option to stop any performance if it is not considered worthy to advance to the following round, or for any other reason deemed appropriate during the course of the competition.

ART. 7
The Jury :
- Jens Lindemann, International Trumpet Soloist, ex “Canadian Brass”
- Allen Vizzutti, International Trumpet Soloist
- Daniele Morandini, principal Trombon of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
- Luca Benucci, (President) principal Horn of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra and Filarmonica della Scala

If any Juror becomes unavailable for any reason, that Juror will be replaced by an equally reputable artist.

ART. 8
Award winners chosen by the competition judges will be considered final and unquestionable. The Jury has full authority to make any decision that is beneficial to the competition’s operation.

ART. 9
Family members of the Jury are disqualified from competing.

ART. 10
The calendar of rounds will be announced by July 10th, 2008. Participants wishing to communicate with competition officials must do so by using the following email address: infoitscompetition@gmail.com.

All rounds of the competition are open to the public. Order of appearance in each round will be determined by the drawing of lots for an alphabetical letter. Participants are required to present a valid identification document and must be present at the time and date specified by the organization. Contestants arriving late will be accepted to the competition ONLY upon unanimous decision of the Jury.

ART. 11
Contestants must specify in their application form if they need a professional piano accompanist provided by the organization or if they will bring their own accompanist at their own expense. The additional fee for the piano accompanist, if provided by the organization, is 25,00 Euros and must be added to the application fee.

ART. 12
If the level of the contestants is not considered worthy to be awarded, the Jury can decide to avoid giving any awards. That decision will be considered final.

ART. 13
REPERTORY (obligatory)
First Day – August 25th, 2008
First round.
One of the following:
- A. Honegger, Intrada
- G. Enesco, Legend
Contestants can choose to perform with Bb or C trumpet.

Second round.
One of the following:
- J. P. Telemann, Concert in D Major “Di Melante”
- J. F. Fasch, Concert in D Major
- J. W. Hertel, Concert in Eb Major
Contestants must perform with Bb or A piccolo trumpet.

Second Day – August 26th, 2008
Third round.
One of the following:
- A. Vizzutti, Cascades
- A. Plog, Postcards
Contestants can choose to perform with Bb or C trumpet.

Final (obligatory piece):
- F. J. Haydn, Concert in Eb Major
Contestants must perform with Eb trumpet.

Third Day – August 27th, 2008
Winners’ Concert and Awards Ceremony.

ART. 14
The Jury votes on a scale from 1 to 100 for the final round, according to criteria decided before the beginning of the final round itself.

ART. 15
First Prize: 2.000,00 Euros and certificate of winner.
The finalist getting the highest score (score must be 93 or higher) will win the 1st prize. In the case of a tie, the prize will be divided equally between the winners. If none of the finalists receives a score of 93 or higher, the first prize will not be awarded.

Second Prize: 1.000,00 Euros and certificate of second place.
The finalist getting the second highest score (score must be 85 or higher) will win the 2nd prize. In the case of a tie, the prize will be divided equally between the winners. If none of the finalists receives a score of 85 or higher, the second prize will not be awarded.

Third Prize: 500,00 Euros and certificate of third place.
The finalist getting the third highest score (score must be 80 or higher) will win the 3rd prize. In case of a tie, the prize will be divided equally between the winners. If none of the finalists receives a score of 80 or higher, the third prize will not be awarded.

ART. 16
All contestants will receive a certificate of participation. All finalists who are not winners will receive a special certificate.

ART. 17
The Jury can assign one or more special prizes to any contestant showing particular musical merits during performances.

ART. 18
Winners must be present at the final concert and awards ceremony. Any winner not attending the concert and ceremony will forfeit his/her prize. Prizes will not be sent to winners at a later date. They will only be presented at the awards ceremony on August 27th, 2008.

The Jury has full authority to invite any contestant showing particular musical talent to perform at the final concert, even if that contestant was not among the finalists.

GENERAL RULES applying to the

ART. 19
The (non-refundable) application fee for the 1st INTERNATIONAL TRUMPET SOLO COMPETITION is 60,00 Euros. Contestants who need a piano accompanist must add an additional 25,00 Euros to their application fee. Fees must be paid by postal order to:

Cultural Association “La Settima Musa”
Via G. Garibaldi 13
50123 – Florence (Tuscany-Italy)

The application must include:
1) A letter of application including full name, birthplace and date of birth, address, phone/mobile/fax number, e-mail and nationality.
2) The receipt of the application fee payment (contestants who need a pianist accompanist must add 25,00 Euros).
3) A one-page typed curriculum vitae.
4) A copy of a document proving identity and birth (passport, identity card, driver’s licence).

Postmark deadline for applications is July 10th, 2008.

Applications must be sent by one of the following ways:
A) Post service, by recorded-delivery letter to the same address indicated for the postal order payment. Letters must be postmarked by July 10th, 2008.
B) E-mail, to the following address: infoitscompetition@gmail.com, including all documents required in pdf format. The organization will reply by e-mail confirming the acceptance of the applications.

Incomplete or tardy applications will be accepted only on favourable, final and unquestionable decision of the organization and of the Jury, otherwise they will not be considered.

ART. 20
Participants can ask for copy of the pieces listed for the competition, but only after the acceptance of their applications. For further information, please contact:

mobile phone: 0039 340 36 45 367
e-mail: infoitscompetition@gmail.com

ART. 21
The “La Settima Musa” Cultural Association assumes no responsibility and will be held blameless for any kind of property damage or theft to any contestant during the entire course of the competition.

ART. 22
Contestants applying to participate in the 1st INTERNATIONAL TRUMPET SOLO COMPETITION understand and accept completely and unconditionally the organization’s rules and regulations.


cell. 0039 340 36 45 367
www.lasettimamusa.com - www.italianbrassweek.com - www.santafiorainmusica.com
e-mail: lasettimamusa@katamail.com / italianbrassweek@libero.it / santafiorainmusica@gmail.com

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